
Secrets of herbal remedies for sinusitis

Before the days of modern medication, herbal remedies were the key to better health and people used herbs for sinusitis to treat sinus problems. People were simple in those days and had to live within their means. They didn’t have a lot of funds or credit cards, so they made do with what they had and what they could produce themselves. The gardens were filled with vegetables, fruits, and herbs, and the herbs served not only to season their food, but also to heal their bodies. Some of these herbal remedies are still popular for sinus problems today.

Xin Yi San was a popular herbal remedy that was considered almost magical in the way it combated sinusitis. It was compiled from all the natural ingredients that can normally be found in the gardens of ordinary housewives: magnolia flower, asarum, chaff seed, ledbouriella, angelica, ligusticum, black cohosh, akebia and liquorice. When these ingredients were mixed together, they formed a sinus fighter that could unclog even the most stuffy noses and slow down mucus production. The best part about this remedy was the fact that it was cheap to grow and maintain in your private gardens.

When you think of some of these herbs for sinusitis, you have to be a little careful about their use. Although most herbs are safe, there are some that are dangerous and you should know what you are doing when you combine them. Therefore, it is not advisable to go and prepare any mixture for medical use without consultation. An herbalist or a naturopathic doctor will be able to advise you. Just because you can find all the ingredients in a health store doesn’t mean you should make Xin Yi San or any other herbal mixture. Also, you should be careful not to consume too much of any herbal cure. Too much of a good thing can have adverse effects. And there is a chance that some herbs, safe in small amounts, can be poisonous in large amounts.

Herbs for sinusitis, like all medicines, can affect different people in different ways. Weight, age, pregnancy, metabolic rate, and allergies are some factors to consider even when you start taking herbal remedies. That is why it is important to consult with an expert in the use of these herbs, be it an herbalist or a homeopathic doctor.

Another problem that can contribute to sinusitis, but can have a perfectly natural cure, is the food you eat. Nothing is more natural than avoiding certain foods, and it has been shown that some foods tend to make your body produce more mucus. It stands to reason that eating less of these foods will create less mucus and therefore lessen your sinus problems. As soon as you feel that your mucus becomes hyperactive, try to avoid these products: milk, ice cream, cheese, red meat and fried foods. By eliminating them from your diet, you can decrease mucus secretions and make you feel better sooner.

A great way to “burn off” infections from your system is to use a perfect herb for sinusitis, horseradish. Horseradish is safe to eat if you can handle the heat that is part of the experience. Drinking equal amounts of grated horseradish and lemon juice mixed together can fight infection and quickly clear the sinuses. Other herbs also have strong healing abilities. Years ago the gardens were full of these types of agents used for healing. Cooking with turmeric (curry) was used in oriental cuisine and was thought to be an important reducer of inflammation and therefore a perfect candidate as an herb for sinusitis.

Many teas were made from herbs and could help cure a variety of problems, from bloating to congestion. The steam from these teas would help loosen congestion in the head and nose making it easier to breathe. Tomato tea is packed with strong ingredients: tomato juice, lemon, and garlic. This mix of vitamins will help you fight infections and treat sinusitis. If you’re just looking for the simpler side of things; Lemon balm tea is great for soothing sore throats, and lemon balm is great as a preventative for sinus problems before they even have a chance to strike.

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