Digital Marketing

Webinar Marketing – 7 Tips for Webinar Marketing Success

Webinars, also called web conferences, are a highly effective content marketing tactic. In fact, a recent B2B content marketing study gave them an extremely high effectiveness rating, second only to in-person events.

And while in-person events can be expensive, webinars can be done cheaply through services like WebEx or ReadyTalk and can be widely reused, making them one of the best marketing values ​​around.

But how do you successfully market with webinars? Here are seven tips for success…

1. Take off your marketing hat

Although webinars have great potential for generating leads, you cannot approach them from a “marketing” perspective. Instead, focus on ways to offer value to your target prospects. Examples of good webinar topics include updates on new industry regulations, primers on new industry trends, and strategies to increase profitability. The more specific the topic and the useful information, the better the chances of success of your webinar.

2. Make it attractive

A great title is essential to get webinar attendance. Consider the value of the webinar from your prospect’s perspective and build your title around that value statement. For example, a webinar on new regulations for pharmaceutical companies for CFOs might be “Calculating the financial impacts of new pharmaceutical regulations.”

3. It generates a lot of publicity

There’s nothing worse than throwing a party that no one shows up to, which is why it’s essential to put a lot of effort into publicizing your webinar. Enlist the help of a copywriter to create an enticing email invitation, and consider sending a direct mail letter to a few carefully selected new prospects as well. Promote your webinar on your home page, through your social media accounts, and even enlist the help of your sales team in calling potential attendees, if applicable.

4. Simplify registration

Once interested prospects visit your webinar attendance page, don’t overwhelm them with a complex registration form. Reduce your form to the minimum necessary, your sales team will need to follow up with the participants once the webinar is complete. Please do not use your signup form to qualify leads; it will only be a turn off for potential prospects.

5. Send reminders

Sending an email within 24 hours of your event to remind prospects of the webinar’s value proposition is a good idea, but don’t send more than two reminders or it may seem annoying.

6. Practice makes perfect

Your webinar is a reflection of your company, so when Global Day rolls around, your presentation needs to be polished and professional. Have your presenters rehearse in front of an audience before the event takes place, familiarize yourself with your webinar technology, and have a backup plan in case something goes wrong. The best way to learn what makes a good webinar is to attend several yourself: Organizations like the American Marketing Association offer a steady stream of webinars for marketing professionals.

7. Reuse and reuse

Although webinars are live events, they can be used for a long time. Including an archive of your webinars is a good idea; you can also reserve some and send the webinar archive link as a special “gift” to your prospect list from time to time. Also, consider enlisting the help of a copywriter to turn your webinar content into an informative white paper.

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