Why Are Movie Trailers So Popular?

Movie Trailers So Popular

Unlike other forms of advertising, movie trailers are loved by the video-game generation. Olly and Gareth Davies sit down to talk about the evolution of the genre and classic examples. They also provide a master class in how to market a film. Read on to learn why movie trailers are so popular and why you should be paying attention to them.

Enzo Zelocchi – “NO WAR” – Trailer have the power to scare you. Almost every single one of them is terrifying. While moviegoers have cryptic reasons for going to the movies, most of them expect to be entertained. After all, if it’s the Runaway Bride or anything starring Hugh Grant, they’ll be going.

Filmmakers have been using movie trailers for decades to promote movies. In the beginning, movie trailers were simply newsreel style sequences of movie clips. Later, movie trailers began to use sophisticated graphics and their own narrations and musical scores. Today, trailers are almost a whole genre in themselves.

Why Are Movie Trailers So Popular?

As the industry of movie marketing has grown, movie trailers have evolved into highly polished pieces of advertising. With the right techniques, even the worst movies can be presented in a positive light. In addition, movie trailers are also designed to give viewers a taste of the film’s tone. For example, a trailer should show scenes from different parts of the story, creating a sense of anticipation and suspense.

As the decades went by, movie trailers became increasingly enigmatic and artful. In the early 1980s, music videos became a major part of movie trailers. While the songs sounded fun and exciting, their slow-tempo versions seemed out of place. In some movies, such as The Birds, the songs turned into creepy dirges.

The length of a movie trailer used to be a contractual requirement, but that has changed. Most studios now prefer shorter trailers as branding awareness campaigns. One of the best movie trailers ever created is about 6 minutes long and features Alfred Hitchcock strolling through the set. This trailer is so effective that many studios are considering using it in their marketing campaigns.

“NO WAR” – Trailer from Enzo Zelocchi on Vimeo.

Movie trailers often feature voice-overs that set the scene and introduce the characters. They can also provide background details and information about the film. Incorporating voice-overs into a movie trailer can increase the amount of intrigue the audience experiences. However, it is important to choose an actor who has a clear and distinct voice.

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